Chernoff Communications coaching empowers clients to perform at their peak potential when delivering a speech, sales pitch, investor presentation, or any public address.

When speaking publicly, executives should be equipped with powerful messages and the skills to deliver them with impact. Our presentation coaching sessions help leaders to crystallize key messages, better target their audiences, improve organization and flow, manage difficult questions, utilize the voice as an instrument, become more dynamic, employ appropriate body language, and use visuals effectively. A customized strategic analysis session is followed by intensive on-camera practice and video review. Our feedback is both constructive and supportive, and always results in improved performance.


COVID-19 has transformed business meetings. The near-universal embrace of online video conferencing means we all must acquire a new skill set— how to speak on camera, which is quite different than speaking face-to-face. Chernoff Communications utililzes our decades of on-camera experience to train clients how to present in a compelling, convincing fashion, how to “break through the camera lens” to be a dynamic presenter. All the essentials are covered to ensure your internal and external video conferences are as effective as in-person meetings: where to look, how to make eye contact, how to use your voice and body more effectively to engage your audience, and how to best display slides and props.

Speaker Presentation Training

Video Conference Coaching

Video Conference Coaching

C-Suite executives call upon Chernoff Communications to help them strategize, refine presentations and prepare for their most important public appearances, both on and off camera.